Our capital campaign has ended. THANK YOU for your tremendous support and contributions. Without you, our campaign would not have been a success. You are welcome to continue your support by donating (see below). All donations go directly to the parish. Again, thank you!
We have been continually blessed by God’s grace for more than a century and have so many reasons to be thankful! In the past few decades at Sacred Heart, we have benefitted from the generosity and willingness of our parish family to cater to our growing parish and school communities.
From the We Are His People capital campaign in 1990 to the completion of The Dream Lives campaign in 2016, we have accomplished so many great things!
Some of these accomplishments include:
Sacred Heart Catholic Church continues to work together for the present needs of our parish family and for those who will carry the light of faith into the next generation.
Debt Elimination
Sacred Heart Catholic Church has a loan with a principal balance of $1.85 million from the acquisition of 14 properties and the purchase and renovation of a new Rectory in 2006. With this campaign, it is our prayer and hope to be able to eliminate the debt through the generosity of our parishioners. In this way, we open the door for new investment in our spiritual and ministerial programs by freeing up the present resources which we pay to the loan. This will help create a bright new day for Sacred Heart Catholic Church, as greater financial freedom will allow us to focus on our primary call to carry out the mission of Jesus Christ.
A Special Provision
During some of our more challenging fiscal times, Sacred Heart Catholic Church was unable to pay our assessments to the Archdiocese. Thankfully, the Archdiocese has been very patient with us regarding these assessments, although we still have an outstanding assessment balance of almost $900,000. The Archdiocese wishes to assist us in relieving some of this burden. Therefore, if we are capable of raising $450,000 toward repayment of our assessments during this campaign, the Archdiocese will forgive the remaining $450,000! This is a dollar-for-dollar partnership with the Archdiocese in an effort to make Sacred Heart Catholic Church debt-free.
Parish Maintenance and Reserve Fund
While caring for our fiscal health is of paramount importance, it is also critically important that we are good stewards of the gifts which so many of our predecessors and present parish family members have provided to us. We are aware of many items which need to be addressed now, and possibly in the future, including but not limited to: the parish center roof and drainage issues, maintenance of the church roof, repair of our parking lots, and possible replacement of the church’s HVAC system in the future, repairs inside the church and more. Although each individual item may not be exceptionally expensive, collectively, these items add up. In this campaign, we wish to create a Parish Maintenance and Reserve Fund of $700,000. This fund will allow us to maintain our parish and provide a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.
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