The Homebound Ministry of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, inspired by the love of Jesus Christ, brings the Body of Christ to those who cannot be present at Mass.
Who We Are
We are Sacred Heart parishioners who provide Holy Communion and service to those parishioners who, for whatever reason, are unable to attend Mass.
We visit them in their homes and care facilities and, through our visits and with prayer, act as instruments of light and hope.
What We Do
Members of the Homebound Ministry of Sacred Heart Catholic Church:
Distribute the Body of Christ to the sick and homebound of our parish.
Provide an extension of our faith community to those who cannot otherwise attend.
Listen and "be present" to the people visited and bring their concerns back to the Church while respecting their confidentiality.
Please Join Us!
We welcome anyone who wants to become involved with the Sacred Heart Homebound Ministry.
Ministers will be thoroughly trained before the assignment and may choose to serve after regularly scheduled Masses, on weekday mornings, or by arrangement with the homebound parishioner.