Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus
Wives and/or mothers of the Knights of Columbus support their faith and a variety of Catholic charities through fundraising activities.
I’m sure you all have heard of the Knights of Columbus. A men’s Fraternal Catholic Faith-filled organization that we are fortunate to have right here at Sacred Heart, Knights of Columbus Council 8887. The Ladies Auxiliary is a direct arm of the Knights of Columbus.
Meetings: 2nd Wednesday - 7:00 p.m.
President: Kelley Hock
Vice President: Sally Adams
Secretary: Lynn Vogel
Treasurer: Mary Frances Daniel
The Ladies Auxiliary meets the second Wednesday every month at 7 p.m. in the church basement. Our main goal is to assist the KC with their projects or undertakings. That could involve the fish fries in March, the Parish Picnic, the Infant Memorial Mass just recently held, the Trunk or Treat supplying hotdogs and brats to all the hungry goblins, and assisting the Youth Group with running the Haunted House in non-covid days. We assist with Tootsie Roll Drives and highway clean-up along 141.
The ladies themselves have recently and successfully organized a drive-thru drop-off for Circle of Concern to replenish empty shelves. We just recently finished updating the grassy grotto area in school adding a Mary statue and new sod and plants with the Knights assisting with the heavy lifting. With the funds we are given by the Knights of Columbus we provide small stipends to the teachers/priests around Christmas to say “thank you”. Occasionally we have assisted with funds to the Pro-Life organization here at Sacred Heart and also to the Ladies Club for their annual Fashion Show which in turn helps fund the St Vincent De Paul here at Sacred Heart. In September we hosted a thank you BBQ for the weeders/feeders who keep the grounds of Sacred Heart and the Infant Cemetery looking so nice. We also adopt at least one new seminarian each year and provide again small stipends to assist with their expenses. We adopt at least two families each year from the different organizations at Thanksgiving providing all the fixings for a Thanksgiving meal and at Christmas time provide fun Santa-wrapped packages to ensure the families have wonderful memories at Christmas time.
If you are interested in hearing more of what we do and wish to become a part of the Knights of Columbus or Ladies Auxiliary please feel free to contact either Richard Hayden (KC 8887) or Kelley Hock (Ladies Auxiliary). The Ladies Auxiliary is now open to any woman over the age of 18 whether you have a family member who is a current or former Knights of Columbus member.