Men’s Club is a thriving parish organization comprised of Sacred Heart men of every age dedicated to promoting growth and development in our Catholic faith, service to the parish/local community, fundraising to support parish and local needs all the while promoting and enjoying fellowship and friendship within the Sacred Heart church community.
Meetings: Held 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Church Hall. Dinner and drinks are provided.
Officers: (Jan 2024-Dec 2025) President - Riley Zack VP - Mike Cooper Treasurer - Ben Brinkley Secretary - Steve Heck
Calendar of Events: Jan: Mouse Races Mar: Poverty Meal Apr: Fishing Trip Apr - Oct: Cemetery Grass cutting Aug: Golf Tournament Sep: Ascension Charity Golf Tournament Booth & Parish Picnic Oct: Pumpkin Giveaway Nov: Memorial Mass Nov - Dec: Christmas Tree Lot Dec: Christmas Party
Annual Contributions/Philanthropy St. Vincent de Paul Society 8th Grade/PSR Retreat Life Teen Group Parish Cemetery Maintenance Parish Infant Memorial Home and School Auction Eagle Scout Projects