Independent Living, Assisted Living, and Skilled Care Residences
CAPE ALBEON - INDEPENDENT LIVING AND ASSISTED LIVING Wednesday Mass: 3:30 pm and/or Communion Service 3:30 p.m. Alternates between Independent and Assisted Living Team Leader: Judy Chellis 636-225-8330
GARDEN VIEW - SKILLED CARE RESIDENCE First Tuesday of month - Mass 10 a.m. Remaining Tuesdays of month - Communion Service 9:30 a.m. Team Leader: B.J. Mattingly 636-825-2271
BIG BEND WOODS Second Friday of month - Mass 10 a.m. Sundays - Communion Service 9:30 a.m. Team Leader: Tracey Merrifield 636-394-3138
LAKE VIEW PARK Third Wednesday of month - Mass 11 a.m. Remaining Wednesdays of month - Communion Service 11 a.m. Team Leader: Jane Butt 636-861-1442
MERAMEC BLUFF - INDEPENDENT, ASSISTED AND SKILLED CARE Fourth Thursday of month - Mass 11 a.m. Remaining Thursdays of month - Communion Service 11 a.m. Team Leader: Neil Fiala 636-225-5821