Mission The Sacred Heart Respect Life Ministry advocates that all human life should be treated with love, respect, dignity, compassion, and mercy. Our faith teaches us that life should be protected at all stages from conception to natural death. Human life is a gift from our Lord and we are in awe of this blessing. All life, including our unborn children, those who are dying, our elderly, our children, young adults, the disabled, our neighbors, prisoners and their victims, are human beings made in God’s likeness; and with such, we share our love, just as Jesus Christ taught us to share His love.
For pregnancy resources (centers, shelters, housing), click here.
Spring and Fall: 40 Days for Life, Day of Prayer, and collection drive for Coalition Life
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day cards with parishioner donations to Birthright
Natural Family Planning Week annually in July
Fall Special Needs Luncheon
Christmas card sales with parishioner donations to Birthright
Monthly Hour of Prayer outside of Planned Parenthood in Twin Oaks
Spring greeting card drive for residents of local nursing homes
Human Trafficking awareness/education
Pregnancy Resource and Shelter awareness/education
On behalf of our ministry, more than $2,000 in annual gifted donations to local pro-life organizations, supporting pregnancy and foster care resources within our local community
Meetings and Contact
Respect Life meets quarterly on the Sacred Heart Parish campus