Visit the Sacred Heart Valley Park Athletic Association Facebook page for details on the season, including registration deadlines and practice information.
This league is for any child, boy or girl in the 3rd through 8th grade.
Games begin after Labor Day, into November, with playoffs being in December (for 5th grade and above).
Practices are held during the week. Games are played Friday nights and Sunday afternoons.
Registration begins in late March and ends in May with evaluations being held early to mid-May.
Volleyball – Open to Grades 3 through 8 Any questions, contact Lay Directors Chrissy Curran or Colleen Rossomanno at [email protected]
Evaluations are on an as-needed basis as it depends on registration numbers. They will follow similar protocols to volleyball and basketball practices. Parents will drop off their children, player temperatures will be taken, and they will be given hand sanitizer prior to entering the gym. Masks will need to be worn at all times.
We are asking that coaches come to help with drills. For current 2nd and 3rd-grade teams, evaluations will be determined after registration. Coaches, don’t forget to register!
We will send out information on parochial volleyball later. Parochial volleyball is for interested 6th, 7th, and 8th-graders. It is in addition to your grade level team.
Small Spikes:
Small Spikes Instructional Volleyball camp is designed to introduce your child entering the 1st and 2nd grades to the wonderful and fun game of volleyball.
We will teach your child the basic fundamentals of volleyball through fun and interactive drills and games.
There will be 4 nights of instruction and one game night all at the SHVP gym (5 nights in all).
No Limits Volleyball:
No Limits holds a volleyball camp in the summer at Sacred Heart. Visit the No Limits website for more details by clicking here.